marți, 21 noiembrie 2023

Acasă la Sfânta Mare Muceniță Ecaterina

 Despre Sinai nu e deloc simplu să scrii, e un tărâm cu o vibrație aparte, care îți rămâne definitiv în memoria inimii. Munții Sinaiului au o structură atât de aparte, de parcă ți-e dat să te afli în creuzetul unui jar de rug colosal, și simți, atât cât îți este dat, energia materiei liturghisind solemn și persevert în razele soarelui mijit în zorii zilei, strigând din toți porii și rărunchii pământului: ,,Sfânt! Sfânt!Sfânt e Domnul Savaot! Plin e cerul și pământul de mărirea lui.” Unii pustnici din nenumărații celor care s-au nevoit și s-au săvârșit aici, le-au auzit munților glasul la propriu, vezi  Patericul Sinait. 
 Așa că mă voi folosi de câteva poezii culese de mine, deși, Sinaiul cu toată frumusețea și măreția lui depășește cu mult Poezia. Fotografiile sunt făcute în principal de mine și de câțiva prieteni grație unei călătorii pe care am avut șansa să o facem în luna Februarie a acestui an, când am prins la  Mănăstirea Sfintei Mare Mucenițe  Ecaterina migdalii înfloriți. Nu e idee cât de frumoasă e întâlnirea cu un arbore înflorit în deșert!... O reală minune de poezie nescrisă! O bucurie pură. Dar și întâlnirea cu cele mai vechi icoane ale Răsăritului Creștin. 


by Edward Kofi Louis

Sight  of your land,
Insight of your love,
Nature in motion!
Ability of life;
In the name of peace.

Sursa: Pinterest

I was at Sinai
by Rick Lupert

I remember what I was wearing
what the ground felt like
who was standing next to me

the looks on everyone’s face
when Moses came down with the stones
telling us, this is gonna be good
pay attention people
you’ll be telling your children about this

I was at Sinai
my wisdom was young and old then
now I’m just old and my wisdom
has left the building or
maybe it’s still at the mountain

I was at Sinai well before they put in the gift shop
Back when the only gift was a golden calf and in the end
no-one wanted it
Not our best moment, but it was our moment
we’ve had so many moments
like remember the time when

When I was at Sinai
we didn’t look at our watches
Forget about the fact that there weren’t watches
we didn’t even want them

Don’t you get it, we’re still there now
we are all a part of the circle
we are the beginning and the end
we receive it every day
This is your permanent online status

Sinai was the first place we held hands
but not the last, in fact I never let go
we are still holding hands
I choose to be a part of the circle
as if I have a choice

I could ignore the circle
travel a thousand miles from the circle
but turn around and see I haven’t gone anywhere
It’s a big circle orbiting you Sinai
where the property values are holding steady

Oh Sinai, to say I was with you is to pretend I left
is to conceive I was ever anywhere else

Oh Sinai, I tweet your commandments to the masses
I spin around in your circle
I see the world through your eyes

your holy eyes

Mount Sinai

by Nermin Nazim

Holy land of miracles
Land of Tales and legends
Wonders performed of old
A sunrise marvel forever witnessed 
A thousand years old celebrated 
Holy mount Moses, Sinai or Horeb.

Land of sacredness and contradictions,
land of history and Religions, 
a mountain where scriptures descended,
And From it prayers to the skies ascended.

Blessed land of the Bible and the Quran
Roadway of the holy family to Egypt
Way of prophet Mohamed in his Esraa holy trip.
A pledge and oath by Sineen, Sinai 
God commanded and Moses took off his slippers
To walk on your sacred land, 
Sacred valley of tuwa.
A marvel burning bush and apparition,
A landscape and story that are eternal.
narrated in the holy scriptures.
A burnt black mount, proof to God's greatness.
Stories of faith and infidelity,
Belief and deviation.
A burning bush intact and green, till the end of
The Golden calf's tale still echoing in the valley.
Twelve springs of the blessed gorge remain,
Moses spring quenching thirst since old.
A martyr saint buried in a monastery,
Holy Saint Catherine.
Prayers recited, pilgrims attending from everywhere.
By the prophets
By the Holy Scriptures
By the saints and by the miracles performed
And surviving
All proof to the oneness of the Lord
And stand witness to his prominence.
People of the world listen to the prayers ascending
The skies
Witness miracles performed,
Reason religion and history and eyewitness the greatness
Of our creator and faiths.
Unite as this land unites us.
Trust him, he, who parted the sea,
He, who defeated the powerful,
He, who lent a hand to the feeble,
Do not look at Pharaoh and his chariots, 
but look at Moses and his stick.


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